Category: Uncategorized

  • From Cold Ground to Bold Growth: AI’s Role in Business Analysis

    From Cold Ground to Bold Growth: AI’s Role in Business Analysis

    It’s dark outside, it’s cold and wet. This season is the ideal moment of the year to plant a seed and meditate on what beautiful results can flourish from it later this year. I’m planting the confluence of AI and (business) analysis. If that’s something you are interested in too, let me know. Merry Christmas…

  • UX and Business Analysis 🥸

    UX and Business Analysis 🥸

    When I’m not working for our clients I teach at the TBA Academy and during our last class on “Wireframing for Business Analysts” we tried an orientation exercise. Where on the crossroads of UX (User Experience) do analysts fit in? User Experience (UX) design is a fascinating intersection of technology, business, design, and—most importantly—the users…